Which membership should you sign up for?
“Training Clients”
These are people who have purchased a training package of one on one sessions within the last 6 months.
“Paid Subscribers $75 per year”
This registration is for people who have never purchased a training package or have not purchased one within the last 6 months.
Both memberships are approved at the discretion of the administrator.
If approved, you will receive an email within 24-48 hours.
Questions? Please contact us!
What do we do with your info and how do we protect your privacy? Read our privacy notice.
Get the following Membership Resources with your subscription!
- Anxious Energy
- Ask, Don’t Tell
- Back Up!
- Bacon Recall
- Bank Account Relationship
- Bolting Out*
- Building Confidence
- Calm Time
- Calm Walking
- Calming Treats and Products
- Capturing
- Car Rides
- Chasing Birds*
- Choosing a Groomer*
- Collars Are for Tags
- Coping Mechanisms
- Counter Surfing
- Crate Training
- Digging
- Discrimination Practice
- Distract, Redirect, and Reward
- Dog Booties
- Doggy Doors
- Doorbell Reactivity
- Field Trip Essentials
- Find It!
- Fireworks and Thunder
- Food Sharing
- Functionality
- Furniture and Dogs
- Gastrointestinal Symptoms
- Goodwill Clothing for Fearful Dogs
- Halloween
- Hop Up and Off
- Humping
- Introducing a New Dog to Your Resident Dog
- Introducing a Shelter Dog
- Is Punishment an Effective Way to Change the Behavior of Dogs
- Jumping Up
- Kong Recipes
- Leave It!
- Making Choices
- Marking in the House
- Meeting Your Dog’s Needs
- Nail Trimming Tips
- Name Game
- New Baby
- Parties*
- Picking Your Dog Up
- Pick Up Your Poop!
- Poop Eating (Coprophagia)
- Potty Training an Adult Dog
- Potty Training Your Puppy
- Power of Play
- Puppy Biting and Mouthing
- Puppy Proofing
- Puppy Socialization
- Raining
- Resource Guarding – Let’s Avoid It!
- Restraint and Handling
- Rock Eaters
- Scent Exchange
- Shake It Off!
- Sleeping on the Bed
- Sniffy Walks
- Sock Eating
- Someone’s Coming!
- Sudden Onset Aggression*
- Sweet Pee- Submissive Urination
- Tethering - Don't!
- The Three D’s
- Treat and Retreat
- Tricky Treat Ball
- Trigger Stacking
- Unconditional Love
- Vacation – Bring or Leave Fido
- Vacuum Fears
- Vet Visit
- Visitors – My Dog Doesn’t Like Them
- Water – Dogs Need More of It
- Why Dogs End Up Lost
*Handout is in progress, so it may not be available yet.
Training Client's Registration
Clients participating in 8 week training package – FREE! – for 6 months
Do not fill out this form if you are paying for your subscription. Go to the form below.
Why do I have to create a username?
We allow you to create your own username so you have a unique ID you can remember when you login or if you participate in any comments or forums exclusive to members - this is the name that will show up. You may also use your email address if you like, just make sure you also fill out the email field so we know where to send you notifications.
Clients participating in 4 week training package – FREE! – for 3 months
Do not fill out this form if you are paying for your subscription. Go to the form below.
Why do I have to create a username?
We allow you to create your own username so you have a unique ID you can remember when you login or if you participate in any comments or forums exclusive to members - this is the name that will show up. You may also use your email address if you like, just make sure you also fill out the email field so we know where to send you notifications.
Paid Subscriber's Registration
Paid Subscriber Memberships are $75.00 for 1 year.
(365 days from date of request)
There are 2 steps to become a Paid Subscriber.
Step 1: Complete your payment through PayPal by clicking the button below.
Step 2: After completing the payment process you will receive an email with a link to our registration page. Fill out the form with the login credentials you would like to use and you will receive access to all membership materials within 48 hours.
Lifetime Subscriber's Registration
Lifetime memberships have no expiration date! To become a lifetime subscribe you must either (a) be invited by Kathrine (you'll recieve registration information in your email) or (b) pay a one time fee of $200.
There are 2 steps to become a Lifetime Subscriber.
Step 1: Complete your payment through PayPal by clicking the button below.
Step 2: After completing the payment process you will receive an email with a link to our registration page. Fill out the form with the login credentials you would like to use and you will receive access to all membership materials within 48 hours.