Pet Wellbeing Customer Story
"Our previous girl developed Cushings and after taking her to our vet, he put her on meds. Those meds made her lethargic and after taking them for a spell, one day she just “told me” that she wasn’t going to take the pills anymore. So her godmother and I went on a search for another remedy. We found this company (and their Cushings product) so I put our girl on it. Almost immediately she sprung back to life. We told the vet and he said as long as she was doing good, keep her on it. That little girl made it through another couple of happy years and when we did have to take her in for a checkup, he was amazed at her numbers. He was expecting to see her numbers very low....but instead, they remained in the normal ranges. So pls let any of your other clients know to give this product a try if they run into a Cushings diagnosis. It really is miraculous and we were able to enjoy Chrissie for at least an additional 3 years because of it."