Mini Seminars for Veterinarians – 2 Hours
Numerous veterinarians have been recommending me to their clients for many years and continue to do so. I have provided countless Lunch N Learn events addressing common concerns, such as:
- How to avoid being bitten.
- The fastest way to build trust with dogs.
- Tips you can give your clients on how to make the office visit stress-free for them and their dog.
- Tips you can give your clients on Potty training, crate training, jumping up, leash manners.
- The use of aversive training methods – the facts on shock, choke and prong cullars, and how to discuss these with clients.
- Snake Avoidance Training – Is it necessary? Does it work? Is it ethical? How to advise clients.
- Assistance in obtaining Fear Free Certification.
For a mere $125 I will come to your office and address these and any other concerns you have.
The less stressful you can make the office visits the more likely your clients are to return – as you know, client retention is a vital aspect of your business, let me help you increase your rate!
Mini Seminars for Pet Sitting Companies – 2 Hours
Pet Sitters and Dog Walkers face some unique challenges – often having only met the dog once prior to showing up at the client’s home while they’re away on vacation and having to make friends quickly with the dog can be a real problem!
I provide mini seminars to address the common concerns pet sitters face, such as:
- How to avoid being bitten.
- The fastest way to build trust with dogs.
- How to deal with fearful dogs.
- How to avoid fights in multi-dog househulds by learning to read canine body language.
- Leash walking techniques.
- Visiting dogs marking in the Sitter’s house.
For a mere $125 I will meet with you and your sitters and address these and any other concerns you have.
The less stressful you can make the pet sitting visits the more likely your clients are to use your services again – as you know, client retention is a vital aspect of your business; let me help you increase your rate!
Mini Seminars for Groomers – 2 Hours
I provide mini seminars to address the common concerns groomers face, such as:
- How to avoid being bitten
- The fastest way to build trust with dogs
- How to get the groom completed without the use of force.
- Tips to provide to clients to make the next grooming service easier on the dog e.g. desensitization to Dremel and hairdryer, nail trimmers and brushes.
For a mere $125 I will meet with you and answer these and any other concerns you have.
The less stressful you can make the pet sitting visits the more likely your clients are to use your services again – as you know, client retention is a vital aspect of your business; let me help you increase your rate!